Real world knowledge. Unfiltered advice.
Actual companies. Real jobs.
3 weeks. 6 sessions.
No bullshit.
Free. (including food)
Last year’s Career Hacks participant Katie Hawk, on the awesome internship she found through Vocatio!
Student feedback:
“This was the internship of a lifetime, and I never would have found it without Vocatio”
Why aren’t they teaching us this stuff in class?!”
“Totally not what I expected — this was way better!”
“Changed my life”
“It was really well-organized and interesting, especially with the speakers they brought in”
“It’s awesome to think about finding a career that fits with your passion”
“Can I bring my friends next time?”
Session 1
Passion & Purpose
October 10th, 7-9pm,
Shideler Hall 053
How to find your “passion” and “purpose”, and how to align them with the marketplace.
The value of liberal arts + technology
Session 2
Talent as Currency
October 12th, 7-9pm,
Harrison Hall 012
How to translate and market your skills and talent to the job market
How to pitch yourself to employers
Session 3
The Marketplace
October 17th, 7-9pm,
Harrison Hall 304
What’s out there, how you fit in, and the top industries for growth
Session 4
October 19th, 7-9pm,
Harrison Hall 012
How to find the right type of company for you
When and how is it right to take an entrepreneurial route
Previous Career Hacks Sponsors:
Patrick is the CEO and Founder of Vocatio, and an expert in entry level hiring and millennial work trends. He has led a successful career as a media producer, management consultant, and strategist, working with Coca Cola, Coleman, General Mills, Turner Entertainment, and many others. Patrick received his M.B.A. from Duke University and B.A. in Economics from Miami University.
Matt is a 2014 Princeton University graduate, where he studied Psychology and Behavioral Economics. He is a recipient of the Project 55 Fellowship, with which he worked for a workforce development/reentry non-profit in Chicago. He's a media creator, comedy writer, and Renaissance man, and has written extensively on the inefficiency and frustration of the hiring status quo. He's in charge of Product, Content, and Community at Vocatio.
Patrick is the CEO and Founder of Vocatio, and an expert in millennial work trends. He has led a successful career as a media producer, management consultant, and strategist, working with Coca Cola, Coleman, General Mills, Turner Entertainment, and many others. Patrick received his M.B.A. from Duke University and B.A. in Economics from Miami University.
Patrick is the CEO and Founder of Vocatio, and an expert in entry level hiring and millennial work trends. He has led a successful career as a media producer, management consultant, and strategist, working with Coca Cola, Coleman, General Mills, Turner Entertainment, and many others. Patrick received his M.B.A. from Duke University and B.A. in Economics from Miami University.
Matt is a 2014 Princeton University graduate, where he studied Psychology and Behavioral Economics. He is a recipient of the Project 55 Fellowship, with which he worked for a workforce development/reentry non-profit in Chicago. He's a media creator, comedy writer, and Renaissance man, and has written extensively on the inefficiency and frustration of the hiring status quo. He's in charge of Product, Content, and Community at Vocatio.
Matt is a 2014 Princeton University graduate, where he studied Psychology and Behavioral Economics. He is a recipient of the Project 55 Fellowship, with which he worked for a workforce development/reentry non-profit in Chicago. He’s a media creator, comedy writer, and Renaissance man, and has written extensively on the inefficiency and frustration of the hiring status quo. He’s in charge of Product, Content, and Community at Vocatio.
Patrick is the CEO and Founder of Vocatio, and an expert in entry level hiring and millennial work trends. He has led a successful career as a media producer, management consultant, and strategist, working with Coca Cola, Coleman, General Mills, Turner Entertainment, and many others. Patrick received his M.B.A. from Duke University and B.A. in Economics from Miami University.
Matt is a 2014 Princeton University graduate, where he studied Psychology and Behavioral Economics. He is a recipient of the Project 55 Fellowship, with which he worked for a workforce development/reentry non-profit in Chicago. He's a media creator, comedy writer, and Renaissance man, and has written extensively on the inefficiency and frustration of the hiring status quo. He's in charge of Product, Content, and Community at Vocatio.