Here are the Top 7 Sexiest Jobs, According to the Opposite Sex

by Angel Lewis & Matt Gwin

Valentine’s Day is upon us; the sexiest, most love-filled day of the year. Although we’re all excited for the romance, the chocolates, and of course the red wine  ice cream and loneliness, at some point we need to figure out what to do with the rest of our lives. Choosing a profession solely based on whether it will make you look attractive probably isn’t the best idea. But hey, love (and lust) is important, so if you’re without a date and without a life plan, we’re here for you.
First, guys, let’s take a look at the careers that will bring the ladies flocking.

#7: Pilot

Any guy that can fly a 747 is sexy, and that uniform is just an added bonus. The fact that he can take you literally anywhere is hot. Maybe that’s why it topped Tinder's most right-swiped jobs.

#6: Engineer

Those chemical engineers definitely know how to find the chemistry with someone. And how about the mechanical engineers? Nothing sexier than a man working with his hands. That’s why it’s the 7th most right-swiped job on Tinder, and 5th most preferred according to Match.

#5: Teacher/Professor

Where do we even begin? There’s always something sexy about a guy who can rock the hell out of those hipster glasses and leather over-the-shoulder briefcase. The best part is, it doesn’t matter if you teach third grade math or an introductory political science course, you’re hot, end of story.

#4: Lawyer

The thing about lawyers is that they’re not only successful, but they are also intelligent and confident, all three very sexy traits. The fact that your clients have to trust you in regards to illegal activity tells women that you are one loyal man.

#3: Firefighter

There’s always something about a man in uniform, especially the ones that put out those flames. Ladies love their sexy firefighter calendars and the thought of a strong, heroic man saving some random neighborhood cat from a tall tree really gets them going.

#2: Entrepreneur

Men who know how to start up a conversation can seem tough to find, let alone a company, so a successful entrepreneur is definitely going to win the ladies over. There is something about a charismatic, determined, sexy man banging his fists on conference room tables as he takes his company to the top.

#1: Doctor

It doesn’t really matter what kind of doctor you are--it’s sexy. Whether you’re looking at teeth, stitching up some kid’s arm, or even making sure that cute little wiener dog isn’t getting too fat, women will think you’re the hottie with the MD.

Likewise, ladies, here’s your top 7.

#7: Marketing

They’re creative, fun, outgoing, and know how to appeal to your emotions. Maybe it's their handle on behavior and psychology that's attractive, or the thought of them leading a corporate meeting. Or maybe they've been subliminally programming us to like them all along. 

#6: Nurse

They’re smart, happy, caring, they can keep their cool in an emergency, and they can care for you when you’re sick. Everyone knows nurses are attractive--there’s a reason there are so many sexy nurse Halloween costumes. It’s on every list of hottest jobs. Nobody can quite pinpoint exactly why being a nurse is so hot, but there have been several full articles trying to get to the bottom of it.

#5: Writer/Journalist

Determined and fearless, getting to the bottom of the story, with cute glasses and a pencil in her ear.  Maybe it’s the Lois Lane thing, somehow making the guy feel like Superman. It was #2 based on a survey by a UK dating agency.


#4: Engineer

There’s something intriguing about a trend-breaker, a maverick. While numbers of female engineers are increasing, they still make up only between 10 and 20 percent of the industry, and the education system is still accused of subtly discouraging girls from taking this route. Overcoming that means they’re probably good at what they do and sure of themselves.  They can also build stuff. It's no surprise it made’s Top-10 women’s jobs.

#3: Personal Trainer

Athletic, toned, flexible and always wearing short shorts or yoga pants; there isn’t much about being a personal trainer that isn’t attractive. It’s literally your job to be amazingly fit.

#2: Teacher

Nobody went through junior high and high school without having a huge crush on a hot teacher. While that rarely pans out, an abiding fascination toward teachers lingers on. That's why it was number one on a study of women's jobs most desirable to men, as well as top-5 on Tinder's most likely to be right-swiped.

#1: Physical Therapist

While Personal Trainers are hot, being a Physical Therapist adds another dimension on top of it-- it means you’re not only super athletic and in great shape, but you're also nurturing and empathetic. And if you can teach people to walk again, there's seemingly nothing you can't do. That’s probably why it was #1 on Tinder’s list of jobs most likely to be right-swiped.



Here are the Top 7 Sexiest Careers, According to the Opposite Sex #ValentinesDay Share on X


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Angel Lewis

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