
Tag: college

Career Fairs are Garbage by Joy Sun For the first two years of my undergraduate career, I thought I was going to be a doctor. “Being a doctor” is a pretty straightforward path: you do the things your adviser …

College Graduation. You’ve completed 16 straight years of schooling along a fairly predictable path. Now you’re entering a period of incredible possibility, but also incredible uncertainty. No matter your situation, plans, or lack-there-of, it is probably one part [...]

As winter break comes to an unfortunate end, it’s back to schoolwork and tests, leaving much less time for productive life planning and career searching gluttony and time-wasting. Time off sure was nice, but so is employment. Here are 11 …

The internet and smartphones have revolutionized the way we go about much of our lives—how we date, how we get places, how we interact with friends, how we record memories, how we manage our money, and how we …

Paula is beginning her sophomore year at NYU. She interned with Vocatio over the summer. Freshman year: the start of the best four years of your life; the transition into adulthood; a whirlwind of excitement and confusion. Adjusting [...]