College Graduation. You’ve completed 16 straight years of schooling along a fairly predictable path. Now you’re entering a period of incredible possibility, but also incredible uncertainty. No matter your situation, plans, or lack-there-of, it is probably one part [...]

Summer goes quick. No matter what you’re doing for the summer (or if you even know), it’s going to go fast. I can certainly attest to this from experience. I’ve spent summers doing just about everything–working, training for …

  When you find out 36 hours before CES that you’ve been given credentials, what do you do? You make some quick plans, hop in the car, grab some caffeine, and drive to Vegas! We did exactly that …

  This is a guest post by Ellen Leanse, a former Apple and Google executive, current Stanford instructor, and a Vocatio board adviser.  So much complexity in life: noise, decisions, uncertainty, input and opinions from all sorts of sources. [...]

The internet and smartphones have revolutionized the way we go about much of our lives—how we date, how we get places, how we interact with friends, how we record memories, how we manage our money, and how we …

  When you think about careers in fashion, you probably think of designers and models. And, if we’re to believe Zoolander, there are also those responsible for keeping the models from discovering the designers’ evil plots. But there …